da Erdwurm Compost Tea Set

Makes 1000 litres of active compost tea

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Compost tea is an extract of worm humus. It strengthens the plants' defences, making more nutrients are available. The plants also become more robust and develop better, the flowering time is extended and the yield is greater.

Dilute the compost tea to between 1:5 and 1:10, spray it on the leaves and pour it onto the soil.

• 1 bucket, 20 litres with lid and drain tap
• 1 electric air pump
• 2 2m hoses
• 2 air vents
• 1 mesh bag
• 10 litres of rain worm humus, 100g of primary rock dust and 1 litre of microorganism feed for the production of up to 1000 litres of active worm tea

Do not spray on flowers or fruits.

Brands: da Erdwurm
Labels: Organic
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Add 1l earthworm humus* with 5 tablespoons of dried alfalfa to a water-permeable bag (e.g. linen sack or stocking).
Add 10 litres of water**, 1-2 drops of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of primary rock dust and 5 tablespoons of molasses and leave the worm humus in the bag for about 24 hours.
Ventilate the water well*** (e.g. with an air vent). The optimal water temperature is between 25° and 30° Celsius.
Consume within 24**** hours.

This recipe promotes balanced growth of bacteria and fungi, and can be used to fortify all plants. If you replace the molasses with sugar or syrup, you get a bacteria-dominated worm tea (ideal for cabbage plants). If you replace the molasses with oat flakes, you get a fungus-dominated worm tea (ideal for conifers).

* The leftover worm humus can still be used as fertiliser, but it should be noted that the fertilising effect is reduced by about 1/3 and the water-soluble components have been flushed out as far as possible.
** Leave tap water open for 24 hours before use, as the chlorine it contains kills the microorganisms.
*** It is important that the aerobic bacteria multiply. If the brew stinks, the anaerobic bacteria have multiplied!! Better to ventilate too much than too little!
**** Then the concentration of microorganisms decreases again because the nutrient has been used up. Possibly add more molasses.

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